Thursday, October 25, 2012


1.  The stretch and flop exercise of last quarter should be done first.

2.  Sit on the floor, back erect, soles of feet placed together, hands and arms relaxed.  In a series of small, rapid bounces try to get knees to touch the floor.  Continue this exercise until you no longer notice the pull on the leg muscles.

3.  Sit on the floor, knees straight, back erect, legs extended in front of body, heels together, toes pointed.  Keeping the knees straight, touch fingertips to toes.  Stretch as far as possible, then bounce forward so as to stretch as FAR AS POSSIBLE.  Continue pulling the back muscles until your chest can rest on the knees.

4.  Sit on the floor, back erect, knees straight, legs extended at a 45 degree angle.  (Try to increase the angle as far as possible.)  Keep toes pointed to the floor, heels forward.  (Do not allow the heels to twist so that they are on the outside of the leg.)  Bounce the upper torso over each leg, then to the middle, and then return to a sitting position.  Stretch the hands as far above the head as possible and repeat the exercise.  It is important to stretch the back and leg muscles as far as possible when doing this exercise.

5.  Assume the position for exercise 4 extending the legs as far as possible.  Lower the upper part of the body as far as possible over the leg.  When the body is in the lowest possible position, bounce to get one or two inches more.

6. Assume the same position as in 4 and 5.  Bend forward until the nose touches the floor between the legs and extend the arms forward on the floor.  Slowly raise the upper torso to a sitting position allowing the arms to come to the sides.  As soon as you reach an upright position start forward again, repeat the two processes until there is a continual folding and raising motion.

7.  Sit on floor, one foot in front of body, the other foot behind body, both legs are in a bent position, knees FIRMLY on the floor, weight is EVENLY distributed over hips.  Fold arms behind body.  Bend upper torso over front and back legs as far as possible.  Then switch leg positions and repeat the exercise.

8.  Repeat exercise 7.  This time, remain in the bent or folded position, then let the arms slowly unfold from the back of the body and extend them over the head, fingertips touching, and hold off of the floor.  Hold this position as long as possible and when the muscle pull is the strongest, bounce the torso to reach as far forward as possible.

9.  Lie on back, legs extended straight up into the air, hands holding the hips off the floor and bicycle in the air.  It is important that the toes and feet flex as in actual bicycle riding.

10.  Lie on back, extend legs towards the ceiling and point the toes as far as possible.  Keeping legs tightly together, let them drop very slowly to a count of thirty.  As soon as the legs touch the floor start to raise them to the original position on a count of thirty.  Never allow the legs to drop when they are six or seven inches from the floor.

11.  Repeat exercise ten keeping hands and arms off the floor.

12.  Lie on stomach, raise upper torso on hands, lift feet and touch toes to head by stretching as far as possible.  As this becomes easier to do, stretch the muscles even further by touching the heels to the forehead.  When you are able to pull the muscles this far, repeat the exercise, but this time keep the arms off the floor and extend them to the sides.  Try to pull the torso up with only the aid of the strengthened back muscles and try to touch the forehead, first with the toes and the with the heels.

13.  Sit on the floor with the legs folded, not crossed, in front of you.  Grab the right heel with the right hand from the inside of the leg and pull the leg up over the head, keeping the knee straight at its full extension.  In order to facilitate this exercise, practice standing and touching the toes without bending the knees.  This will loosen the muscles in the back of the legs.  Repeat the sitting exercise with the left leg.

14.  Repeat exercise 13.  As the muscles become more flexible, let your hand drop when the leg is fully extended.  Do not allow the leg to drop when the hand is removed.  As it becomes easier for you to held the leg in the air, try raising  the leg without using the hand for support.

15.  Repeat exercise 13.  When the leg is fully extended, grab the feet with the opposite arm and pull the foot towards the head as far as possible.

16.  Sit on floor.  One leg folded in front, the other leg with KNEE STRAIGHT, extended directly back.  Work, by lightly bouncing the upper torso, to place the HIP of the EXTENDED LEG ON THE FLOOR.  Change positions and work on the other hip.

17.  Sit on floor.  Bring knees up to chest, legs together, feet on floor.  Grasp legs with hands under the back of knees.  Extend both legs straight forward, TOES POINTED, KNEES STRAIGHT.  Do not allow the body to roll back during the extensions.  MAINTAIN AN ERECT BACK. 

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